Getting clients and employees to trust you can be difficult and complicated, but it’s important for success and it can be more important than sales. If you get others to trust you, it is easy to nurture your business and give everybody the best service.
But trust is fragile. If you lose it, it is difficult if not impossible to restore it. Following actions build trust via competence, communication, commitment. As a business consulting firm, here are our top 5 tips for building trust in your business:
Demonstrate that you trust others
One way to do this’s to be generous and forgiving when someone else makes a mistake or disappoints you in a few ways. People who jump to the worst conclusion about the competence or motivation of a person inspire wariness, not trust. Many people do not set out to be mean or stupid, so give them the benefit of the doubt unless you have contrary info that proves you wrong. You will feel good about them, and they will trust you for your generosity.
Create relationships that are mutually beneficial
Clients, coworkers, employees all want to believe that they’re making the right decision to work with you. This takes a lot more than platitudes and clichés. Consumers need to obviously understand the value of your products or services to them. Similarly, employees need to feel better about taking ownership, which introduces an added measure of accountability as well as demonstrates the level of trust you have in them. In other words, trust is to show people that you really care about them. As a result, they’ll trust you.
Address problems Directly
When a company has a shady way of handling problems, no one will trust them. For this reason, whether it is with consumers or employees, you have to address complaints head-on. There will be an aggrieved staff or client, but how you resolve the problem is what determines if others will keep trusting you. Interestingly, building trust using this method does not affect the person you have issues with directly. It impacts those who are watching how things play out. The way you handle it sends a message of what you will do in the same situation that may include them. Do not dismiss problems in an offhand manner. People want to know that you care about what they’ve to say. So, address complaints rapidly, and show how much you value the business they bring your way. Doing this thing will build confidence in your company.
Respect Time and Opinions
Your staff and clients won’t agree with you. There will be times of disagreements, and listening to them will help you show that you trust your employees and consumers. Conversely, it will build their confidence in you. You have to respect the time of those who work for you and patronize you. To do this, return calls and emails promptly, arrive on time for meetings, and stick with schedules. Doing this won’t foster trust but mutual respect between all parties.
Never Overpromise and Under-deliver
When businesses overpromise and under-deliver, it becomes a large trust killer. If you say you will pay your salary on the last day of the month, do so. If you promise to refund payments for returned goods after 2 working days, do it. Businesses that promise the moon and fail to deliver it find themselves losing clients. When people cannot trust you to keep your word, they will go to the one they can rely on. Thus, it’s good to under promise and over-deliver and keep the trust of your client.
Respect your employees
Do not make assumptions and make sure that they feel valued and respected. Establish a no-tolerance policy for disrespectful behavior among your team and model the behaviors you want.
Show care
Keep in mind that employees spend most of their time at work and if the organization shows that they really care about them, they’ll feel more at ease. Provide support and more services to make sure they’re healthy, safe, maintaining a positive mindset.
Be flexible and patient
Be tolerant of mistakes, and do not be an inflexible judge. Meet the other person in the middle. Be considerate of events and negative experiences that might have affected one’s capability to trust. You should make exceptions to the rules when there is common sense dictation. Consider unusual alternatives for issues that cannot be resolved by usual methods. Remember that trust is built over time, particularly when you deal with somebody who’s not fortunate enough to have experienced trust in his/her own life.
Deliver the unexpected
The great way to deliver trust is to surprise and delight customers and clients. You should give them what they ask for, but deliver more service, time, and sensitivity. Delivering more than they expect goes a long way and adds actual value and trust. As a bonus, clients will tell others about how you delivered more. This needs to net you more business.