Ready To get Into The Trucking Industry?

YMA Financial will obtain the following:

Total Package – $1813 to get you started.

(final price could fluctuate depending on State filing for LLC)

Client is responsible for completing the following:

  • (IFTA) International Fuel Tax Agreement
  • (IRP) International Registration Plan
  • (HVUT) Heavy Vehicle Use Tax
  • Client is responsible for filing for proof of insurance

Truck Company Business Plan

We will create a full comprehensive business plan which may include all of the following:

  • Executive summary
  • Company description
  • Ownership and Structure
  • Competition and Advantages
  • Market analysis
  • Marketing and sales
  • Sales strategy
  • Financial projections
  • Management and organization
Business Plans 

*Depending on how much research and work will be needed

Here are the steps of everything that needs to be completed from filing your MCS 150 application to actually becoming operational.

What does your company do to help me get started?

  1. We file for your US DOT Number
  2. We obtain your Operating Authority (Motor Carrier Permit or MC #)
  3. We will complete your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (Form 2290)
  4. We will obtain your International Registration Plan (IRP or Apportioned Plates)
  5. We will obtain your International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA or Fuel License)
  6. We will obtain your Blanket of Coverage (BOC-3 Permit)
  7. We will assist in obtaining Insurance with the FMCSA
  8. We will obtain your Unified Carrier Registration (UCR or Highway Tax)
  9. There are some State specific permits depending on which states you’re operating in (KY, NY, NM, OR, TX, CA, ETC)
  10. We cover and explain the Electronic Logging Device (ELD)
  11. We assist with 11. 49 CFR Part 382   FMCSA Regulation 382 – Drug and Alcohol Testing Required for Anyone with a GVWR 26,001LB or GREATER
  12. We assist with 49 CFR Part 391   FMCSA Regulation 391 – Drive Qualification Files Required for Anyone with a GVWR 10,001lb or GREATER

We offer Broker services to arrange for freight transportation.

We offer Factoring to help companies and drivers with new DOT #s to get paid on loads much faster and to find brokers to work with